11 April 2016

Teeth Whitening | Million Dollar Smile

I am lucky, I have never had any work on my teeth, not even a filling! So I do quite like my teeth, they are small, but have no gaps or over crowding. I have however always wanted a whiter smile, who doesn't want a smile like a celebrity!?

I decided to give teeth whitening a go and wanted to share day 1 with you. Million Dollar Smile are whitening strips that are designed to be used at home with ease, they are non peroxide, so wont damage your teeth.

I have to say they are SO easy to use! To start with, I just brushed my teeth with water like instructed, I assume this removes any food ect. I then opened the packet and peeled off the bottom one and applied it to the front of my teeth and folded the back over, I then did the same with the top strip. The one thing I don't like about these, is the taste I imagine 90% of people will love it but its just not for me, it tastes like really sweet mint (I really don't like sugar mint flavours!). However its bearable for the 15 minutes and I will still use them. 

The only part of the process I found a little tricky was the removal, It says just peal strips off your teeth, well I was left with a lot the the gel on my teeth, that I tried to just lick off but couldn't. I put some water on my tooth brush and brushed my teeth and this got it all off perfectly! So I would recommend trying that when using these strips.


Before | After 

Before | After

So here is my before and after pictures, I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't expect to see any results from the try but I could definitely see a difference and it left my teeth freeing super clean! Ill keep using them and report back in a week or two.


1 comment

  1. Great results! I always want to try these but haven't got round to it yet - deffo on my list though!

    Georgia Rose || www.justgeorgiarose.com


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