8 July 2016

Taking Some Time Out | Moving House

So you may have noticed that I haven't been around that much recently. Well I have just moved into my first house with Richard, thats the main reason I have been so quiet. Moving was a way more stressful experience than both of us had originally thought!  It took a whole month longer for us to move in, due to legal documents needing signing and things like that. It meant I spent a long time living out of boxes and being very unorganised, so (I think) understandably blogging was put on hold. .. But do not worry, I am back and with so many new ideas and exciting projects to share with you all!

I am planning on chatting a little more about my new house and moving experience in a few blog posts coming so if you have any questions leave me a comment !


So with my time off I had time to reflect on my blog, as it has been a little over a year since I started to really commit to it. I felt my blog had started to go stale and I was churning out the same content again and again, which is something I never wanted to happen! After my little break I have decided to start to liven things up a bit, like working with proper photographers. For this blog post I worked with the lovely Katherine McMorran, a photography student from Falmouth. I love the out come and it has definitely inspired me to up my photography game!

Top Topshop | Cardigan Topshop | Jeans M&S | Sandals Birkenstock 

1 comment

  1. I love every shot! Will you be doing a house or room tour on your YouTube? xoxo


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