17 September 2016

Last Days of Summer | OOTD

We are definitely in our last days of summer and I am not complaining. I am such a autumn baby, I love the dark evenings, the leaves falling from the trees, I even like the wind and the rain! Recently I have ben feeling a little bit lost when it comes to my blog, I found fashion this summer to be really uninspiring, I feel like nothing that special has come out of this season. (You could probably tell as I have only been posting once a week).

Now the seasons are changing, so is my heart, the thought of layering up, wearing thick chunky scarves and the search for the perfect winter boot has really got me excited about fashion again. I want to create interesting blog posts that I love and hopefully you'll want read.

So this outfit is a little different to my normal style, I'm not quite sure if I'm cool enough to rock it but IDK I'll wear it anyway. My whole outfit was picked up in the last of the summer sales and probably cost me about £20 max! The jeans were £12 from Zara and the top in the Topshop sale for £5. Although my shoes are the real bargain of this look they cost me £2.50 from a Carboot, barley been worn and came with the box; I think Carboots are the only ting I'll miss from the summer.

Leave me a comment of your favourite thing about autumn!



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