31 December 2016

2016 Review!!

I did one of these last year, and find it so funny looking back at seeing bad makeup choices and dodgy editing. I'll link it here. I  have seen a lot of bloggers doing these posts but I was inspired by the way Chloe Plumbstead aka Thelittleplum.com did her's so I thought I would do something similar.

I have chosen my favourite fashion post from each month of the year and put them in order from last January, I have also linked them all, so click the month to give the post a read. 

 All I can think of when I see this is that I must have been freezing!!

 I love this dress, I just need an occasion to wear it...

This is one of my favourite posts because it has favourite pooch in it, Boot the dog!

Another beautiful dress with no where to wear it ๐Ÿ˜”

I remember this being one of my favourite outfits that I wore over and over in the summer months.

Festival season is one of my favourite times of the year!

This was the point that I took a month off of blogging, I had just moved into my first home with Richard so life was in a bit of chaos but I wanted to enjoy every minute.

I loved this blog post, I went down the beach after work, went for a swim and enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine. Its posts like this that make me realise how lucky I am to live where I do.

I feel like I am saying I love all of these posts, well I do. Especially this one. The blogger program sent me to Victorious Festival which my parents happened to be attending.

This wall๐Ÿ‘Œ!! It featured in a lot of posts...

That wall again.. Its probably my favourite back drop of the year!

December was a hard mouth to pick as I have really fallen back in love with my blog and am really happy with the content I am making. 

And...thats it, until next year. I hope you have enjoyed this little summary, thank you for reading my blog, thank you for all your kind comments. I speak to you next year....Sophia xxx

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