6 March 2017

Monday is my Motivation! | OOTD

I have never understood 'Blue Monday' or any of the hatred for the day. I get that Monday for most people means going back to work after a weekend off, well thats not that bad is it? Not bad enough to hate every Monday of the year?

For me Monday is like a New Year, I get to turn the page in my diary and start planing a fresh week. I look forward to Mondays I love the feeling of starting a new, maybe the week before wasn't that great but I feel like a Monday is the chance to change my mood and make sure that the week coming will be better. 

I a tip that I would suggest if you want to improve your attitude about Mondays would be to have a weekly journal/diary. I have recently started a bullet journal and I have to say I love my Monday mornings even more now, I love when I get to fill in my plans for the week, set it all out and write down my goals. I feel like it gives me a positive outlook at my week.





  1. Everyone needs to think more like you Sophia. It is so negative to wish away every Monday, that is so much wasted time! I definitely think the bullet journal helps me feel more positive and motivated. Just working through my goals for the week makes the world of difference. Have a wonderful week!Immy x


  2. Looks fresh, see beautiful dresses here:


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